Technology Hubble Telescope to study the atmosphere

A Telescope for the first time succeeded in taking thousands of pictures of galaxies and nebulae within a few million light years from the Milky Way so clearly. The telescope was launched into orbit from the space shuttle Discovery in 1990. Hubble Telescope materialized from a dream man to put telescopes in space. Problems with the atmosphere during this arise can be resolved by the Hubble Telescope and of course the view from the eyes of the Hubble Telescope is much cleaner and better. At the time the project is considered ridiculous and waste of money. 

Some Astronomical community reject the presence of the Hubble Telescope. As time goes everything has changed, no doubt contributed Hubble astronomers a pedestal. 20 years is not a short time to the Hubble telescope, but it's 20 years more people get a chance to see the beautiful and magnificent, vast universe from the eyes of the Hubble Telescope.

History of Hubble 
In 1962, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences or the National Academies of Science recommends of building a giant space telescope. Three years later, in 1977, Congress began Collect funds for the project. In the same year, making the Hubble space telescope to begin. 

For over 12 years the originator of shelf space telescope is rugged seek funding from the NASA funding. Responses were obtained, much better build 20 ground-based telescopes than building teleksop space will only cause problems and just dream of science fiction fans. No one wants to think about the advantages of a shelf space telescope that could solve the problem of the atmosphere. 

After going through a long, secured funding. The Independent Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore was formed in 1983 to carry out scientific research operations at the same time to get the data for researchers. 

Hubble telescope construction, was completed in 1985. Hubble di'angkasakan 'for the first time on 25 April 1990. In fact, Hubble is planned to begin operation in 1986. Hubble sends blurry images and indistinct. NASA eventually discovered that the telescope lens shift as much as 1/50 the thickness of a human hair! In December 1993, the Space Shuttle Endeavor, Hubble is sent to modify by adding a new camera to fix the error on the primary lens.

Size of the Hubble Telescope 
Telescopes : The thickness reaches 13.1 meters (43.5 feet) in diameter 4:27 meters (14.0 feet) and weighs 11.000 kilograms. Hubble size is almost the same as a school bus. Also, notice that there is the orange tube telescopes. This is the power source Hubble.

Lens Primer Hubble telescope, measuring 2.4 m (8 feet) and weighing up to 826 pounds. The lens is made of silica glass coated with a thin layer of pure aluminum to reflect light. In addition to aluminum coating, the lens also has a useful layer of magnesium fluoride to prevent oxidation and ultraviolet light (UV) from the sun so that the lens is not quickly broken.
How it Works 
First of all, Hubble captures images, once received by the telescope, the image will be changed manjadi digital code and radiated to earth using mamiliki antennas transmit capability of 1 million bits per second. Once the code is digitally signed by the earth station, the code will be converted into images and spectrograph (an instrument used to record the spectrum of astronomical). 

The telescope is able to run 5 miles per second. Hubble can get around more than 150 million miles per year (± 241 million kilometers)!

Hubble Telescope Control and Operation 
The telescope is controlled from the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. New problems arose in the mirror whose shape does not fit with the side edges so that the first Hubble images look blurry. Successfully launched new telescope this does not mean instant success. While the image is still much better than the photo shoot of the Earth, but the blurring of the image caused only 20% of the image in the center of the focus. The algorithm was created to solve the problem, but another problem arises from the solar wind as the Hubble telescope orbits from the light side to the dark side in every orbit. As a result, the media was quick to react by stating that the instrument is "techno-tukey".

Repair Hubble Telescope 
Hubble Telescope has experienced four times the improvement made by the astronauts delivered by the shuttle. The first repair mission in December 1993, the optical Hubble also increased and the resulting image sharper and is designed fokus.Teleskop will get repairs and checks periodically and there is no limit to the time when Hubble is no longer able to work. Hubble Telescope is currently no longer a first telescope was launched. Currently, the Hubble telescope has been far greater than that released in 1990. At least 60 times better.

Task Hubble Telescope 
Hubble Telescope ability to look far into the past history of the universe and see its evolution is a very basic knowledge of a given Hubble to human history. Hubble telescope too, who showed for the first time face a different universe from the universe close (around us that telrihat from Earth) as we know it. Hubble telescope successfully provide evidence the universe is expanding very rapidly changing paradigms of scientists that the universe is expanding slowly. This evidence comes from observations of a supernova, the explosion of massive stars end that would end his life. 

Light from the supernova Hubble Telescope captured came from a great distance yag never predictable. And this is the evidence of an acceleration in the expansion of the universe. Even the discovery of a major discovery in physics since quantum physics and general relativity. In 2006, Hubble returned to prove the existence of dark matter and shelf space telescope is also used to show the relationship between the size of the black hole and the size of the location of the galactic black hole. 

Hubble telescope is also used in a project aimed at a close look at the stars, which were observed Orion nebula and planet formation area around the young star. Even protoplanet around the young star, was arrested by Teleskp been able to Hubble. The image was taken with the incredible resolution that can not be produced by ground-based telescopes. Hubble with other space telescopes such as the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Spitzer space telescope working at infrared wavelengths, they complement each other and produce fot the effects and colors are amazingly beautiful.

The future of the Hubble Telescope 
Hubble Telescope in the period 2003 to 2006 had experienced a period of uncertainty about the future. Last repair mission in 2004 was canceled by NASA administrator, Sean O'Keefe. Mission re-run as successor to the Hubble O'Keefe, Mike Griffin replaced in 2006. And the service was conducted in May 2009. Hubble also Toward Supernova? 

Besides all trips Hubble Telescope, Hubble results given can not be ignored. Hubble telescope it brings great success in the world of astronomy to open the universe and the processes therein. Hubble Telescope is more important telescope in history after Galileo's first telescope 400 years ago. 

Hubble Telescope future was already determined until the end of April 2013. Or in other words the Hubble Telescope will still be in operation at least three years. After that there will be no mission to serve and regular batteries, solar panels and pointing telskop engine will start to weaken and fail. Until 2013, the Hubble Telescope and the entire instrument (the Advanced Camera for Surveys, the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, Fine Guidance Sensors, Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer, Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and the Wide Field Camera) will remain in good condition. 

All instruments will still work fine at least 5 more years. And when the fate of the Hubble Telescope will be close to the end of his duty, he will still use the rest of his tenure with the maximum ability to provide information that reveals the mysteries of the universe in which he recorded a beautiful image. Task Hubble will be forwarded by the James Webb Space Telescope to be launched in 2014.