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Usu Machine |
University of North Sumatra Car Developing Energy Efficient and Environmentally Friendly, Energy Efficient Car Tehnology and this Green Student Work Faculty of Engineering, and gave the name of this work "USU Machine".
On Monday, April 30, 2012 USU Rector Prof. Syahril Pasaribu Reveal "USU Machine" These will be followed in the Shell Eco Marathon race (SEM) in July 2012 Upcoming Asia at the Sepang Circuit Malaysia, followed by 14 of the 17 State Team.
Such in the race, Indonesia addition USU will also be represented by a team of 17 other universities, namely, four teams from the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), three of the Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) and Two Team of the University of Education Indonesia (UPI). Later Three Team of the University of Indonesia (UI), One Team from Jakarta State Polytechnic, Two Team of Pontianak State Polytechnic (Polnep), One Team of the University of Gajah Mada (UGM), and One Team of the Polytechnic State Manufakture (Polman) Bandung.
Namely for the Team of Medan North Sumatra University (USU) in this competition is only one Team Sending a Team Named "HORAS" by the number of 14 students and is expected to be Team To Bring the spirit as representatives of the city of Medan (North Sumatra).
Proof to the spirit of the USU Student Playing the Future of Energy issues a challenge which is not inferior to other universities in Indonesia Nor Asia, USU is very proud of the competence and hard work of the Faculty of Engineering Students of this. Team Manager Horas Munawir R Siregar mangatakan Still another time a few months to analyze the existing deficiencies in the vehicle is being developed primarily in terms of reducing the weight of the car. To that he said he expects the support of various parties so that these shortcomings can be minimized especially those targeting the fuel for car engines 200km/liter to USU that they created it.
"There are still some constraints and limitations, but with the support of many parties are optimistic we can achieve the targets we have set it," he said.
Shell Eco-Marathon is an ongoing educational project that challenges student teams to design and build the most efficient vehicle to compete with other teams vehicles. The winner is the vehicle that can move the farthest distance using the fuel or energy at least.
The team will compete in two main categories based on the categories of car design that Prototype for futuristk shaped vehicle that aims to maximize fuel efficiency through innovative design elements.
Then the category of 'urban concept' that is to design a conventional four-wheeled vehicles are fuel efficient, according to the needs of today's drivers.
Teams of students can choose one of the permitted fuel that Shell Unleaded 95 (EU) / Shell plus 89 (U.S.) Petrol / Gasoline, Diesel Shell, Pertroleum Liquefied Gas (LPG), Shell Gas to liquids (GTL 100 percent) , Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (100 percent of Fame), ethanol E100 (100 percent Erhanol), Hydrogen, Solar and Plug-In Electricity (Li-On). Source