Scientists Successfully Finding Protein Procrastinator Death

"Scientists Discovered" the elixir that can hold death in mice. This protein is believed to be useful for humans. Scientists discover the elements of an amino acid can delay death mice by 12%. This study is useful for humans, especially for the elderly or the sick. Individuals who survive require biological changes that encourage energy supply into the cells and reduce oxidative damage caused by free radical. "This is the first demonstration that shows the amino acid mixture can increase survival of mice," said study leader "Dr.Enzo Nisoli" from the University of Milan in Italy. 

The new findings are reported in "The Journal Cell Metabolism", suggests the possibility that amino acid supplements can benefit humans. Scientists demonstrate the supply of amino acids can affect the health of rats. Scientists believe that amino acids could help the sick, especially heart failure, chronic lung or other conditions characterized by reduced levels of energy. Nisoli said there needs to be tested on a large number of patients, to show convincing evidence. 

Leucine, isoleucine and valine, known as branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), a fraction of the 20 amino acids in a protein that can be produced. All three have indications of anti-aging properties. The study also showed increased activity SIRTI or famous longevity genes. This element affects the defense system against free radicals. Specific amino acid supplements is likely to be more effective than consuming proteins containing the same amino acid, according to the researchers. 

Unlike Proteins, these amino acids can not be digested and enter the bloodstream immediately. "We have provided evidence that an original BCAA mixture can increase the average life span in male mice," researchers wrote in the study. "This may be due to increased mitochondrial biogenesis and reduced oxidative stress in the heart and skeletal muscle." This study offers the exploration of the function of amino acids in preventing age disorders in humans.