Kurata Robot Technology Japan
As one of the Mecha Fans, a
Japanese Electronics company makes high-Robot with 13 feet (3.9 meters), the robot given name Kurata. Kurata is designed as a robot war to enter the era of systems persenataan future. A spectacular effort to bring imagination go into science fiction into the real world. Kurata has been demonstrated to an audience in Tokyo with a variety of features.
Fantasizing mecha fans who wanted to could come true mecha a pilot, though still a prototype but Kurata Model 001 can be a precursor to
the development of humanoid Mecha future. Earlier in 2005, the Company made the heavy equipment Sakakibara Kikai Humanoid Robot land walker, staying digadang as the initial manifestation of the mecha Gundam, unfortunately no longer audible robot development.
Can imagine, if this robot development progress continues unceasingly, future robot was able to enter fully human life, either as a household robot, robot workers and Robot Wars. the latter should be wary, lest the like in the Terminator movies war between robots against their creators.
These Rules and explanations on how to use the capabilities of the Kurata :
- Pilots shall wear a special suit and helmet, and then entered the cockpit robot to climb up and push the button to open the cockpit door.
- Press the button at the top to close the cockpit door, Inside the cockpit doors are an attractive Multifunction Display is similar as in anime2 mecha.
- In the Touch Panel cockpit Ensure all works well, for the purposes of the Control System, Kuratas using the Operating System (OS) next generation V-Sido named, By using Joy Stick kuratas pilot can move the body with the help of V-Sido.
- In addition to wearing the pilot, Kuratas can also be controlled from outside using Masterslave Control kuratas shaped mini iphone stuck with his back.
- Kuratas also be operated via a 3G network, with 3 control method is further facilitate operationalization kuratas.
- Kuratas Top speed of about 10 km / h
- Kuratas can dikemudiakan High and low position, The use of high positions so that wider view.
- Fuel Gasoline and Diesel engines drove wear.
- LOHAS launcher, missile launcher like Kuratas able to add a bottles portable mineral, Designed safe for humans (but if it is a military version could be dangerous).
- Twin Guttling Gun, capable of spewing 6000 Bullet Ball (BB) per minute.
- Allows Automatic alightments, the ability to lock the target, Kuratas not allowed the targets separately through.
- System will fire a gun when the pilot smiled Guttling, this feature called The Smile Hot, you can destroy all the enemies with one smile So, remember the smile hides redundant.
- Out of the Cockpit when Kuratas benar2 stop, Check everything before you get out of the cockpit.
- Not allowed to get out of the cockpit by jumping.
- Use hands and feet to crawl slowly or can use the stairs.
- Do not allow smoking in the Cockpit.
- If Kuratas collapsed, cover your head and do the safeguards to protect the body from injury.
- If you see smoke, fire or smell anything unusual, immediately out of the Vehicle immediately.
This Video Kurata Robot
The man behind the giant
kuratas battle mech, Kogoro Kurata shares how it all began – building his and every child’s wildest dream.
if you want to see the person who created the robot Kurata, you can immediately see the video interview on the following blogs: