Brookstone earlier this week signed a contract with the Lilliputian Systems to sell a special charger device to charge cell phones, digital cameras, music players, and other small devices. Lilliputian Systems, based near the city of Boston is a technology company that used to be under the auspices of the university on the east coast, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Lilliputian Systems is an expert manufacturer of small size and portable charger that is widely used by mobile devices.
Tools that measure the same charger as the phone is thick using fuel cells or also known as butane gas. Tool charger is capable of filling any mobile device via USB cable. Charged butane gas liquids in plastic cartridges for gas lighters for smoking where each cartridge can be used to recharge the battery as much as 10 to 14 times. Or in other words, a gas cartridge can last two weeks as a single resource such as Apple iPhone cell phone. If it runs out, users can buy spare cartridges at Brookstone stores. Price of the cartridge is still not disclosed, but estimated $ 5 per cartridge. While the price of charger equipment is estimated at $ 200.
The target buyers of this tool is the traveler charger and businessmen are often out of town are having trouble finding a wall outlet plugs. To facilitate charging various devices, tools charger also comes with some models of cable and international plugs that do not require an adapter. By Lilliputian Systems, this product has received permission from the airline so that may be brought in a briefcase for travel using an airplane.