Here are tips and tricks Blog with Ping On the right:
1. Using sites such as the Ping service providers or can search in google
2. On the column name you can fill your blog with your blog name or title of your article.
home page on the column contents with your home page url or url your article
as an example. You can also enter a URL address where you anchored backlinks complete example:
3. Click the send button.
4. The results are immediately visible the next day. Visit the Yahoo! site address to see the results of your ping.
7. You only need one ping to any website to which you anchored backlinks. Do not do ping times to a website where you anchored backlinks. Later olehGoogle considered spamming.
6. Congratulations you've pinged correctly and backlinks are you can.
How do I ping properly?
If you've run all of the above process and get backlinkdengan quickly, then your backlinks will be seen will be seen immediately even in a matter of hours. So do this process with careful lest you be doing the spamming.
When you are considered to make the process of spamming then your website will be jailed / banned by google and disappeared from circulation. Google your stay at the prison called the sandbox. You basutuh a very long time to get out of this prison. This also is when google kindly, if your website will forever tidaka alias received life sentences. Do not arrived. So beware.